What is Quantum Healing Methods (QHM)?
This body of work is a healing modality that create change from the quantum level of your being. It initiates healing, transformation, activates expansion and connection to the higher-self and other light beings that are here to assist you on your path.
This is a comprehensive, integrative, deep, empowering, and effective modality that combines quantum healing hypnosis, Fifth Dimensional Psychology, Galactic Expansion and Healing, Conscious Soul Coaching, and more. It helps individuals clear deep trauma, unhealthy habits and patterns in life, connect with higher guidance, mission and purpose, heal the heart, body and mind, release trapped emotions, learn about your full soul experience, other lives, other dimensions, and empowers to live as a fully expressed divine being that we are.
I developed this method over the last twenty years, and it continues to evolve and expand. I combine my earthly learning of Psychology, Hypnotherapy, Energy Healing, and Soul Coaching. Along with the higher dimensional teachings and intuition taught by Ascension Masters, Light Councils, and Galactic Healers that I work with on higher levels of consciousness.
The approach is that the individual has all these abilities within them, and we simply facilitate and guides them through their own unraveling, healing, and expansion with the assistance of highly evolved beings where needed. All answers lie within, and it is our role to facilitate the experience for you.